Wednesday, November 24, 2010

a time for thanks

Facebook is inundated with comments about posting what you are thankful for at this time of year. I know its a good reminder, but wish people would be more thankful on an every day basis...myself included. This is a hard concept in our just be happy with what we have, and not to be upset about what we dont have. I have worked so hard this past year on that with regards to my IF.

I am so grateful for my beautiful son, who I naively conceived with no trouble; I am so grateful for my girls on my chat board who have supported me every step of the way this year; for my friends and sister who are patient with not asking me every detail, yet listening when I want to share. I am so grateful for my dear husband who wants me to be pregnant as he knows it would make me happy, and he's in the 'field' so wants me to come through the office for that reason not to bring ds to visit Dad. I am thankful for Dr H our RE for having hope when honestly the chances are slim. I hope you all have a Happy Thankgiving. Look around...there is probably lots to be thankful for!

“He who thanks but with the lips Thanks but in part; The full, the true Thanksgiving Comes from the heart” – Author Unknown

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