MJ's Fertile, Infertile and Adoption Timeline!

MJ's Fertile and Infertile Timeline

May  - Gave birth to baby boy!
June (4 weeks later) - Hemoraging, visit to ER, D&C to remove placenta tissue that had been left at birth.

May - started TTC#2 (AF had not made a good showing in those two years).
October - diagnosed with Ashermans (scar tissue in uterus) through a Histopingogram; Hysteroscopy to remove.

2005 - TTC au natural - BFNs all the way

2006 - 4 IUIs - all BFN

March - Refered to RE; Hysterocopy showed more scar tissue...removed.
May - Pregnant!!!! :) (au natural) Blighted Ovum; induced miscarriage; D&C

April - IVF #1 - BFN

January  - IVF #2 - BFN
April - IVF #3 - BFN (1 embie still on ice)
Sept - Switched to new RE. Protocol of DHEA, Trental, Vita E.

April- IVF #4 - BFN
July - mock cycle for Endomertrial Biopsy
August - results came back - everything is good!
October - New insurance required saline sono to start...led to hystoroscopy #5
November - Saline sono looks good!!! Now too late to start before hols, waiting until new year....

Feb  - IVF #5 - Best cycle yet. Used frostie, had day 5 transfer! BFN.... somehow another frostie. What to do next?
April - talked about options. We are moving onto adoption and will still do a FET. We would like 2 more children!
May - IVF #6 (decided on a final fresh cycle!) - Transfered one fresh and one frozen. This is last cycle ...BFN.

June - Researching adoption agencies and our options.
September - signed on with American Adoptions.and a local agency who will conduct our home study.
October - fingerprints, interviews
November - home visit, fingerprints were declined, do them again! background checks Ok! Did our APQ (adoption parent questionnaire for AA).
December - fingerprints came back again (dh's are fine and possibly cleared already!), did them digitally, final meeting with Social Worker, Conf call with our Adoption Family Specialist at AA to finalize our APQ - which is basically what she will use to show our profile to expectant birth parents.
Starting our profile and expectant birth parents letter!!!