Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 1, 2 , and 3 and we're off!

Omg its here' my cycles starting!
Aunty flo, god bless her...the biotch that she is, showed up early on Wednesday. I was really disappointed at first, but then thought, no, this is good...get started early and be done before the fundraising event that i am planning which is a month away!
So I went for a date with the dildo cam on thursday (day 2) and things look great!
My lining was ok, but Dr H said that that he wasn't going to bore me with details...not sure what that means! But he said it was a 5 type 3, which isn't great. Well the 5 is good, actually for me it's GREAT for being only day 2. The type 3 is the worst for the quality, but it's still early. So all in all that's good, we are ready yippee!!
Day 3 was Friday, and now here we are on day 4, Saturday....Let the loopy train pull up. Yep started Lupron tonight. Did my shot like a champ and now i have a ticket and waiting at the station...stims start tomorrow. Toot toot!!

“We were diagnosed with 'unexplained infertility,' which sounds good in one respect, but on the other hand you almost want something wrong so there is a problem so you can fix it.”  Cindy Margolis

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